House of Compassion is an orphanage located at the town of Abra, in the province of Banguet about 200 kilometers south of Laoag.
It is a ministry of Church of our Saviour Abra. As at the moment we have 12 kids in the home. Plans are on the way to admit a few more kids. They are passionately taken care off by Pastor Delia and her husband Bing. The vision of House of Compassion is To Provide a safe, nurturing and Christ-centered environment for children. To offer a home for orphans and those children who have inadequate social and physical provision. To provide love and hope in a secure environment.
We believe that every child deserves a family. While in our home, the children receive comprehensive services that address their medical, educational, emotional, nutritional and spiritual needs. Our staff members, house parents and child care workers strive to simulate family life in all aspects of the ministry.
We aim at changing ourselves so as to change others and the world around us. As our Baby Boomers family grows “larger,” we need to find ways to become “smaller.” This is the purpose of the Bereans Ministry. It is designed to help people find places of involvement and growth where relationships are formed and strengthened, where people are introduced to Jesus, and where leaders are equipped for service. Our Group meets twice a month to empower members and to instill within ourselves the zeal to labor for the Lord.
Various sorts of activities are in the pipeline for 2007/2008. This ministry promises an eventful and fruitful time of fellowshipping and growing in the Lord.
Join us, see Dr. Joy M. Bareng for details. We love to have you with us.