We exist to reach and disciple youth in Christ, who through the local church will have an impact on their community.

We exist to provide a point of meeting where we can meet the needs of young adults in our area: to have fun; to have fellowship, to receive Christian teaching; to build and equip young people in their studies, prepare them for a bright future and to be relevant to their needs in the market place.

Besides having a mission statement, we’re also work on a Dream Statement.

Our Dream Statement: “We have a dream of a movement that feeds the hungry, that clothes the naked, that gives a cup of water to the thirsty, that visits the sick and the prisoner, that cares for the orphan and widow. We have a dream of a movement that cares for the future of every youth that they will be useful to society and nation. We have this notion of a Community of Believers where the idea of compassion, love, forgiveness, honor and dignity are not mere doctrines—rather, they are a way of life.”